Attempting to Deploy a Secondary or Tertiary Server Results in a Quiescing Error

Attempting to Deploy a Secondary or Tertiary Server Results in a Quiescing Error


This Knowledgebase article provides a workaround for deployment when the Secondary or Tertiary server cannot be deployed due to the quiescing error.

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During the deployment of Neverfail Engine on Secondary and Tertiary, the Engine Management Web Client may show that the deployment of the Tertiary server failed with the following message:

ERROR: 100% Failed to clone TERTIARY server from SECONDARY (An error occurred while quiescing the virtual machine). See the virtual machine's event log for details .


This is a known VMware issue. Additional details about this can be found in VMware Knowledge Base.


Resolution #1

    1. Uninstall Neverfail Engine on the Primary (and Secondary if deployed as a Trio) from the Engine Management Web Client.
    2. On the source virtual machine, open the C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Tools\Tools.conf file in a text editor, such as Notepad. If the file does not exist, create it.
    3. Add the following lines to the file (on the clone source server, for example, Primary or Secondary):

      vss.disableAppQuiescing = true
    4. Save the file.
    5. Exit the editor.
    6. Restart the VMware Tools Service to allow the changes to take effect. Click Start > Run , type services.msc , and click OK .
    7. Right-click the VMware Tools Service and click Restart .
    8. Restart the Neverfail Engine Pair/Trio deployment from the Engine Management Web Client.

Resolution #2

Disable time synchronization on the source Virtual Machine as described in VMware KB

Applies To

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