Campaigns-in-a-Box Guide

Campaigns-in-a-Box Guide


This section provides information regarding the Neverfail’s Campaigns-in-a-Box, fully developed campaigns that can be downloaded from the LMS and used by Neverfail partners.

More Information

After signing into the Neverfail LMS, partners will have full access to Neverfail’s Campaigns-in-a-Box. The Campaigns-in-a-Box are pre-built campaigns that partners can download and use with their own respective audiences. Within each campaign, partners will find HTML email templates and additional end-user content.

Campaign Content

End-user content can be any type of content Neverfail has to offer (powerpoint decks, eBooks, case studies, data sheets, white papers, webinar recordings).

Let’s take a look at the Continuity Engine Solution Overview Campaign as an example. After downloading this campaign, partners will find the following items:

For this example, you will notice that there are certain elements, like “Partner Logo” and “Company Name”, missing on the email templates. That is because the partner will need to input this information into the HTML email template on their end. For most of the email templates, partners will need to personalize the following elements:

  • Logo

  • Specific Dates & Times

  • Company Name

  • Button Links

  • About Us & Contact Page Links

If a partner is unable to make these edits themselves, they can make a request to Neverfail Marketing who can make the necessary edits.

What's Not Included

There are a few important items that Neverfail Marketing does not provide within the campaigns-in-a-box. It is recommended Neverfail partners provide the following items for the campaigns:
  1. Landing Pages - These pages should be created and hosted on the partner’s website. If the partner would like assistance regarding what to provide on these pages, Neverfail Marketing can provide the necessary information.
  2. Lead Forms

Example Campaign Steps

Continuing to use the Continuity Engine Solution Overview campaign as an example, follow the steps below to learn what a typical campaign should look like. The key goal of this specific campaign is getting the target audience to sign up for a Solution Overview presentation.

  1. Neverfail partner sends Solutions Overview Email 1 to their target audience.

  2. A target audience member opens Email 1 and clicks on the Call-to-Action to the partner’s landing page.

  3. The member fills out a form on the landing page to sign up for the Continuity Engine Solutions Overview presentation.

  4. Step 1 is repeated with Solutions Overview Email 2 for target audience members who did not sign up for a presentation using the links in Email 1.

How to Send an HTML Email

There are three ways for partners to send the HTML email templates provided to them for the campaigns:

Upload the HTML Email to an Email Marketing Platform

Of the three options, this one is the easiest. If a partner has access to an email marketing platform, all they have to do is upload the html email template onto that platform where it should automatically become available for use.

Because not every platform is the same, it is recommended partners research the template upload process for their specific platform.

Paste the HTML Email Code into the Body of an Online Email Platform

For partners who do not use an email marketing platform, it may be best to upload the html email template directly into an email body. Follow the steps below to upload the HTML email template code to the email:

  1. Open the HTML email template so that it opens up into a web browser. For this example, the HTML template will open up into Google Chrome.

  2. Right-click the template page and select View Page Source. A new tab should open showing the full HTML code associated with the email template.

  3. Copy the full block of code.

  4. Go to your online emailing platform and start a new email.

  5. In the email body, type a small amount of text (It does not matter what you type here).

  6. Highlight and right-click the text.

  7. Select Inspect.

  8. A new window should appear showing code. Within that code, there should also be a highlighted section. Right-click this section and select Edit as HTML.

  9. Remove all HTML code from this section and paste in the HTML email template code you previously copied.

  10. Close the code window and the email template should now be appearing in your email body.

Ask Neverfail Marketing for Help

If a partner does not have access to an email marketing platform or is unable to paste the HTML code into an email, Neverfail Marketing can help. The partner just needs to reach out to Neverfail Marketing who can then begin the process of sending the email template directly to the partner.

Once the partner has received the email from Neverfail Marketing that contains the email template, they can then forward the email template to their respective audience.

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