Error Message: Cannot start replication because previous run did not shut down properly.
This Knowledgebase article provides information about the Error Message: 'Cannot start replication because previous run did not shut down properly'.
When attempting to start Neverfail Heartbeat after a server fails, the following message appears.
Cannot start replication because previous run did not shut down properly
The server crashed or the system failed causing an unclean shutdown of Neverfail Heartbeat. Neverfail Heartbeat has started in passive mode to avoid a possible 'split-brain' (where there is more than one Active). Both servers are currently passive thereby preventing replication from starting.
To recover from the passive-passive situation (there was no failover), identify the server that was active before the unclean shutdown and use the Neverfail 'Configure Server' wizard to assign the active server role to the previously active server following the steps below:
- Launch the 'Configure Server' wizard.
- Select the 'Machine' tab.
- Select the 'Active' role.
- Click Finish .
- Attempt to start Neverfail Heartbeat.
All Versions
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