How to change the Neverfail Advanced Management Client Connection Port

How to change the Neverfail Advanced Management Client Connection Port


This Knowledgebase article provides information about how to change the Neverfail Engine Management Client Connection Port.


Neverfail Continuity Engine uses port 52267 as the default Advanced Management Client connection port.  The same port is also used by Engine webservices to communicate with the actual Engine application service. The default port may be changed with a custom one using the following procedure:

  1. Shutdown Neverfail Engine Service on all of the installed nodes (active + passive).
  2. On each Neverfail Engine node, open the Configure Server Wizard, by choosing "Stop Webservices" option when prompted so.
  3. In the Machine tab change the Client Connection Port value located. The same value must be configured on all the nodes

            4. Restart Neverfail Engine Service on all of the nodes in the cluster
            5. The new port number must be configured also in the Advanced Management Client defined connection.

Note: In order to allow remote inbound Advanced Management Client connections, on each Neverfail Engine nodes the Neverfail Continuity Engine - Management Client port firewall inbound rule should be configured to allow %ProgramFiles%\Neverfail\R2\bin\NFServerR2.exe program (on any port)

Applies to

Neverfail Continuity Engine 8.5 Update 5 (or newer)