How to Change the SSL Certificate used by Neverfail Continuity Engine Management Service

How to Change the SSL Certificate used by Neverfail Continuity Engine Management Service


This Knowledgebase article provides the procedure to change the SSL Certificate on Neverfail Continuity Engine Management Service.


More Information

To change the current SSL Certificate in Neverfail Continuity Engine Management Service (EMS), perform the following steps:

Note: Within the following procedure, all instances of <password> represent the default password used by EMS web-server. If you intend to use other than the default password (in other words to change the default password), you must also edit the Server.xml file located at %Program Files\Neverfail\tomcat\apache-tomcat-<version>\conf to reflect the non-default password used (this is stored in keystorePass)
Additionally, all file paths are assumed to be the default installation file paths.



  1. Navigate to Start > Run and open the Registry Editor.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Prefs\nfmgtwebsvcs\management\nfmgtwebsvc.
  3. Change the value of use_hbws_keystore from TRUE to FALSE and save changes. 
  4. From Service Control Manager, restart Neverfail Management Web Services.
  5. Create a new KeyStore in a temporary location and enter the certificate details:

    cd "C:\Program Files\Neverfail\R2\jre\bin"
    keytool -genkey -alias nfhb_private_certificate -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore NFKeyStore.jks -storepass <password>

  6. Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) as shown below:

    If using MD5:

    keytool -certreq -alias nfhb_private_certificate -sigalg MD5withRSA -file NFKeyStore.csr -keystore NFKeyStore.jks -keypass <password> -storepass <password>

    If using SHA1:

    keytool -certreq -alias nfhb_private_certificate -sigalg SHA1withRSA –file NFKeyStore.csr -keystore NFKeyStore.jks -keypass <password> -storepass <password>

  7. Submit the CSR to the Certification Authority (CA).
  8. Save the received certificate as certnew.p7b.
  9. Import the received certificate to the JAVA KeyStore:

    keytool -import -alias nfhb_private_certificate -keystore NFKeyStore.jks -trustcacerts -storepass <password> -file certnew.p7b

  10. Verify the imported data from the Java Keystore:

    keytool -list -v -keystore NFKeyStore.jks -storepass <password>

  11. Stop the Tomcat instance used by the Neverfail Management Web Services (nfmgtwebsvc) using the following command:

    net stop nfmgtwebsvc

  12. Create a backup of the currently used KeyStore:

    cd "C:\Program Files\Neverfail\tomcat\ssl"
    ren NFKeyStore.jks NFKeyStore.jks.bak

  13. Copy the keystore from the temporary location:

    xcopy "C:\Program Files\Neverfail\R2\jre\bin\NFKeyStore.jks" "C:\Program Files\Neverfail\tomcat\ssl"

  14. Start the Tomcat instance used by the Neverfail Management Web Services (nfmgtwebsvc) using the following command:

    net start nfmgtwebsvc


Applies To

All versions


Related Information




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