How to Create a Task In Neverfail Continuity Engine

How to Create a Task In Neverfail Continuity Engine


This Knowledge base article provides general information about how to create Tasks in Neverfail Continuity Engine.

More Information

Tasks are a generalization and extension of start, stop, and monitor scripts.

Task types are grouped by when the tasks are run, and include the following:

  • Network Configuration: – This is the first type of task to be run when applications are started, and is intended to launch dnscmd, dnsupdate. Where multiple dnscmds are required, these can be contained in a batch script, which is then launched by the task. Network Configuration tasks are the only types of task, which can vary between Primary and Secondary servers.
  • Pre/Post Start: These tasks are run before and after services are started on the active server.
  • Pre/Post Stop: These tasks are run before and after services are stopped on the active server
  • Pre/Post Shadow: These tasks are run before and after a shadow copy is created on the active server by the Data Rollback Module.
  • Rule Action: These tasks can be configured to be run in response when a rule is triggered, or a service fails its check.

Tasks can be defined and implemented by plug-ins or by the user, or they can be built-in tasks defined by Neverfail Continuity Engine itself. User-defined tasks are implemented as command lines, which can include launching a batch-script. Examples of built-in tasks include monitoring a protected service state on the active and passive servers. An example of a Plug-in-defined task is the discovery of protected data and services for a particular application.

To navigate to the ‘Tasks’ tab, login to the Engine Management Service, click on the Tasks tab.

Add a Task

  1. To add a task, click on the Add button to invoke the ‘Add Task’ dialog. 
  2. Assign a name to the task and select the task type from the drop down.
  3. Browse to the script, .bat file, or command to be performed. Once all entries have been made, click on OK.

Should the ‘Command’ entry require specific user credentials, click on the User Accounts button in the upper right of the pane to add user accounts thereby making them available to be selected in the ‘Add Task’ dialog under the ‘Run As’ drop down.   

Edit a Task

To edit a task, select the task in the ‘Tasks’ pane and click on the Edit button. Editing allows you to edit the interval of the task or to disable the task as well.

After completing edits of the task, click on the OK button to accept the settings and dismiss the dialog.

Remove a Task

To remove a task, simply select the desired task and click on the Remove button. Neverfail presents a confirmation dialog asking if you are sure you want to remove the task. Acknowledge the dialog and the task is immediately removed.

Start a Task Manually

Neverfail Continuity Engine provides the flexibility to wait for either the designated period or event to occur before launching the task or to launch the task immediately. To launch the task immediately, select the desired task and then click the Run Now button. Neverfail Continuity Engine responds by immediately launching the task.   

Applies To

Neverfail Continuity Engine

Related Information 



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