How to Create a Task to Synchronize the Time of a Passive Server with the Active Server When Neverfail Heartbeat/Engine v6.7 and Later is Installed

How to Create a Task to Synchronize the Time of a Passive Server with the Active Server When Neverfail Heartbeat/Engine v6.7 and Later is Installed



This Knowledgebase article provides information about how to synchronize time between the active and passive servers in a Neverfail server pair/trio running Neverfail Heartbeat/Engine v6.7 and later.



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The following procedure demonstrates how to create the task necessary to synchronize time between the active and passive servers in a Neverfail server pair running Neverfail Heartbeat/Engine v6.7 and later.  To synchronize the time between the servers, follow the steps below.


Create the following .bat file:

SyncTime.bat - consisting of the following script:

echo off

nfcmd localhost getsingle Controller ActiveServer | find "<ServerIdentityInAllUpperCase>"

if %errorlevel%==0 goto End

net use \\<Remote_Server_Channel_IP_Address> /user:<Full_Domain_Name>\<Admin_Account> <password>

net time \\<Remote_Server_Channel_IP_Address> /set /y

goto End

  1. Copy the SyncTime.bat into the %Program Files\Neverfail\R2\Bin folder on each server: Primary, Secondary and/or Tertiary.
  2. On each server replace in the script " <ServerIdentityInAllUpperCases> " with “PRIMARY” or “SECONDARY” or “TERTIARY” depending on which server the script sits.
  3. Replace the <Remote_Server_Channel_IP_Address> according to these rules:
    1. On the Primary server with the Secondary server channel IP, if this is a Binary install (Binary = two server cluster) or with the Tertiary server channel IP if this is a Ternary install (Ternary = three server cluster).
    2. On the Secondary server with the Primary server channel IP.
    3. On the Tertiary server with the Secondary server channel IP.
  4. Replace the <Full_Domain_Name> , <Admin_Account> , and <password> strings with the appropriate data.
  5. On the Neverfail Manage Server Client Applications:Tasks page, create a new task called ‘ SyncTime ’ and configure it as a Periodic task to run every 86400 seconds. Enter the following command “ %Program Files\Neverfail\R2\Bin\SyncTime.bat ” to execute the task.


IMPORTANT NOTE: If the script is used with Neverfail Engine 7.0 and later you will need to disable the SkipAsSource policy for the Channel connection. To do this, please stop Neverfail Engine on each server in the pair/trio, open Neverfail Configure Server Wizard UI and under the Channel section set the SkipAsSource to "Never Skip" and then click the Finish button to save the change. 


Applies To

Neverfail Heartbeat/Engine v6.7 and Later



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