How to enable DEBUG level logging on Neverfail Continuity Engine Management Service

How to enable DEBUG level logging on Neverfail Continuity Engine Management Service


This Knowledgebase article provides information about how to enable DEBUG level logging on Neverfail Continuity Engine Management Service.


To enable DEBUG level logging on Neverfail Continuity Engine Management Service:

On the Engine Management Server:

  1. Stop Neverfail Engine Management Web Services
  2. Go to "C:\Program Files\Neverfail\tomcat\apache-tomcat-x.x.xx\webapps\hbws\WEB-INF\classes"
  3. Rename file to
  4. Rename file to
  5. Start Neverfail Engine Management Web Services
  6. Collect the DEBUG level logs from "C:\Program Files\Neverfail\tomcat\hblogs\HBWSLog.txt"

Recommendation: Once you've collected the DEBUG level logs, make sure you disable the DEBUG level logging by reverting back to the original file. To do this, on the Engine Management Server:

  1. Stop Neverfail Engine Management Web Services
  2. Go to "C:\Program Files\Neverfail\tomcat\apache-tomcat-x.x.xx\webapps\hbws\WEB-INF\classes"
  3. Rename file to
  4. Rename file to
  5. Start Neverfail Engine Management Web Services

Applies to 

Neverfail Continuity Engine Management Service v8.5 Update 5 or later

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