How To Fix The `Failed to set Engine's Packet Filter Loadstate` Error

How To Fix The `Failed to set Engine's Packet Filter Loadstate` Error


This knowledgebase article contains a workaround that can be used to avoid the "Failed to set packet filter loadstate" error.


More Information


Neverfail Engine fails to start and the following message is logged in the nflogs:

[ClusterControllerThread](com.neverfail.controller.cluster.ClusterController) - Construction / Initialization failed - com.neverfail.controller.ControlException: Failed to set packet filter loadstate


When Neverfail starts it checks the Packet Filter loadstate. If the Packet Filter loadstate information is not found, the above error is logged and Neverfail ServerR2 service is stopped. This can happen as a result of the Neverfail Packet Filter Driver not being properly installed.


Installing the Neverfail Packet Filter Driver correctly should fix this error.

If only this key is missing, it can be added manually

  1. From Start -> Run , open the Registry Editor.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE and create the following value:
  3. Start Neverfail Engine.

Applies to 

Neverfail Continuity Engine

   * This KB article doesn't apply to Neverfail Heartbeat because Heartbeat has a different Packet Filter version then Engine.