This knowledgebase article explains how to install a plugin on a single server from a Neverfail Engine pair/trio when the other servers (Secondary/Tertiary) are not connected.
Once Neverfail Engine has been fully deployed on a pair or a trio it will no longer allow the installation of a plugin unless all the servers in the pair/trio are connected and replicating. The reason for this is that when a plugin is being installed, the new files and settings have to be replicated from the Active server to the Passive servers too in order to keep those machines in a clone state.
However, in the rare case where connectivity to Passive servers can't be provided and a plugin has to be installed on the Active server, this can be achieved by following the steps below.
Important Note: This procedure will only install the plugin on the local server and therefore the other servers in the pair/trio will not have the plugin installed and so the protection of the new application can't be achieved by Engine. To fix this you will need to re-clone the Secondary/Tertiary server or make those machines Active and repeat this manual procedure for installing the plugin on those machines too.
Neverfail Engine