How to Install Neverfail Engine Management Service (EMS - web centralized console)

How to Install Neverfail Engine Management Service (EMS - web centralized console)


This Knowledgebase article provides the procedure to install the Neverfail Engine Management Service. Using this procedure will ensure that you achieve a successful installation.  

You CAN'T install the EMS web console on a server which already has Neverfail Continuity Engine installed on it e.g. a Primary or a Secondary or a Tertiary server. The EMS web console has to be installed on a different machine the a Primary or a Secondary or a Tertiary server. 

More Information

Prior to attempting installation of Neverfail Engine Management Service, ensure that the server meets all of the pre-requisites stated in Pre-Install Requirements.


To install the Neverfail Engine Management Service:

  1. Having verified all of the environmental prerequisites are met, download the Neverfail Continuity Engine .msi file to an appropriate location.

    Note: Install on any server running Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit or later with connectivity to a VMware vCenter Server 5.1 or later or a Desktop Edition of Windows OS 7, 8.x, or 10.
  2. While logged in as the Local Administrator, double-click the Neverfail-ITCE-[n]-[n]-[nnnnn]-x64.msi file to initiate installation of the Neverfail Engine Management Service.

    Note: If UAC is turned on, open a command windows with elevated permissions and launch the Neverfail-ITCE-[n]-[n]-[nnnnn]-x64.msi file from within the command window.

    The Welcome page is displayed.
  3. Click Next.
    The End User License Agreement page is displayed.
  4. Review the End User License Agreement and select I Accept the Terms in the License Agreement. Click Next.
    The Firewall Modification screen is displayed.
  5. If using something other than Windows Firewall, manually configure Firewall Rules to allow TCP on Ports 9727 and 9728 at this time. If using Windows Firewall, the Inbound Firewall Rules are created automatically and no actions are necessary. Click Next.

    The Administrator Credentials screen is displayed.
  6. Enter a Username and Password with Administrator permissions for the target server. Click Next.

    The Ready to install Neverfail Continuity Engine screen is displayed.
  1. Click Install.
    The Installing Neverfail Continuity Engine screen is displayed. When the installation has finished installing the appropriate components, the Completed the Neverfail Continuity Engine Setup Wizard screen is displayed.

    Note: If you are upgrading from version 7.x, you may be asked if a service should be stopped. Press OK to allow the service to be stopped automatically. 
  2. Click Finish.

    Once installation of the Neverfail Continuity Engine Management Service is complete, the Neverfail Engine Management Service User Interface will launch automatically.
  3. Login to the Neverfail Engine Management Service user interface using a local administrator account.

    Note: If you have upgraded from an earlier version, the Protected Servers pane should display your list of servers.  

Applies To

Neverfail Continuity Engine v8.x and v9.x

Related Information

Neverfail Continuity Engine v8.0 Installation Guide  
