How To Qualify an Opportunity
This Knowledgebase article provides information about opportunity qualification and describes the process to qualify an opportunity.
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Once an opportunity has been identified, the next step is to qualify the opportunity. Qualifying an opportunity consists of gathering information by asking in depth questions about the client's business. When qualifying an opportunity, ensure you ask the following questions:
Are the servers in scope of the project Windows Servers?
What are the goals and needs of the organization?
What is the current server environment? Get a detailed description. Diagrams are very helpful.
Is the organization using strictly a LAN or do they also use a WAN?
Do they have Exchange, SQL, or any 3rd products running on the server?
How many servers are running each application?
How many processors (CPUs) are on the server with the most processors?
Do they use replication or backup tools today? if yes, which ones?
Do they have a current
Disaster Recovery solution in place? If yes, which one? Did they experience an issues with it?
Do they currently have an active project?
- If so, what is the time frame?
- Is it budgeted?
- Do they have a current IT partner?
What is driving the project?
Why is it important to do it now?
If number 1 is a NO response from the customer, then its not a qualified opportunity. Neverfail does NOT support Linux or AIX.
After gathering the above information, you can then use the information to determine if Neverfail is an appropriate solution and the right fit for the organization. This information will also be useful to formulate the value proposition for this specific organization.
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