How To Request A Trial License For Neverfail Continuity Engine
This KB article provides information on how to request a trial license for Neverfail Continuity Engine.
Note: A free 30-days trial license can be requested only once per company for extendeed testing purposes. When that license gets expired, please consider purchasing a new commercial license for Neverfail Continuity Engine software.
To request a 30-days Trial License you should contact Neverfail Order Processing at and submit a Zero-Dollar purchase order containing the followings: End-Customer Company Name:
Full Company Address (Street and Street Number, Town, State/District, Country, Zip Code):
Main Contact Person First Name, Last Name, Email and Telephone Number:
Ordered item should be formulated like in the screenshot below (with SKU : HADR-TRIAL30)
Applies To
Neverfail Continuity Engine - all versions