How to Update Applications on a Trio of Servers When Neverfail Engine is Installed
This Knowledgebase article provides procedures for updating an application protected by Neverfail Engine in a Trio configuration.
Note: Prior to attempting this upgrade you should read the entire procedure. This upgrade is carried out at the server console. Customer Application - This is for service packs/patching/hotfix updates and not major version application upgrades.
- On the Active Server
Note: If the Secondary server is the Active server, please omit step 1. below.
- Using the Neverfail Advanced Management Client, select the Secondary (passive) server and click Make Active. Wait for the Secondary server to become Active.
- On the Secondary Server
- Using the Shutdown Group option, shutdown Neverfail Engine on the Secondary (now Active), Tertiary and Primary servers leaving the protected applications running.
After this step the Trio status is Secondary being the Active server with Engine stopped and application running, wile the Tertiary and Primary servers are Passive with Engine and applications stopped.
- Upgrading the Application on the Secondary:
- Install the Application Update by running the setup program.
- If asked, reboot the server at this point
- Verify that Application is operational.
- If the server was rebooted, shutdown Neverfail Engine on the Secondary server.
- If the upgrade procedure was successful proceed to next step, else go-to "Upgrade Failed" part of this article.
- Change the server role of the Secondary to be Passive and the Tertiary to be Active:
- On the Secondary server, launch the Neverfail Configure Server Wizard UI and click on the Machine tab.
- In the Active frame set the Tertiary to be Active and click the Finish button to save.
- Using the Service Control Manager, start Neverfail Engine/Server R2 service.
- Wait until all services of the protected application are stopped.
- Using the Service Control Manager, stop Neverfail Server R2 service.
- Perform steps 1 to 4 above on the Tertiary machine too.
- After all services of the Protected Application were started, stop Neverfail Engine service leaving the protected applications running.
- Upgrading the Application on the Tertiary
- On the Tertiary server, install the Application Update by running the setup program.
- If asked, reboot the server at this point
- Verify that Application is operational.
- If the server was rebooted, shutdown Neverfail Engine on the Tertiary server.
- If the upgrade procedure was successful proceed to next step, else go-to "Upgrade Failed".
5. Change Tertiary to be Passive and the Primary to be Active:
- On the Tertiary server launch the Neverfail Configure Server Wizard and click on the Machine tab.
- In the Active frame set the Primary to be the Active server.
- Using the Service Control Manager, start Neverfail Engine/Server R2 service.
- Wait until all protected services are stopped.
- Using the Service Control Manager, stop Neverfail Server R2 service.
- Repeat step 1 to 4 above on the Primary server
- On the Primary Server (Assuming a successful upgrade of Secondary and Tertiary servers completed)
1. Using the Shutdown Engine option, shutdown Neverfail Engine on the Primary (now active) server leaving the protected applications running.
2. Install the Application Update by running the setup program.
3. If asked reboot the server at this point.
4. Verify that Application is operational.
5. If the upgrade procedure was successful proceed to next step, else go-to "Upgrade Failed".
6. Start Neverfail Engine on the Primary Server (Ignore this step if the Primary server was already rebooted).
- Finalizing Upgrade:
- Start Neverfail Engine on the Secondary and Tertiary servers.
- Using the Neverfail Advanced Management Client:
- Verify that the Protected Service Discovery task has run.
- Check that the system starts and completes the Full System Check.
- If the upgrade on Secondary/Tertiary/Primary server fails:
- Research the cause of the upgrade failure.
- If the issue can be resolved then it is safe to proceed with upgrade procedure. Otherwise you can revert to previous version.
- To revert to a previous version:
- Uninstall the upgraded components and check the application starts after the rollback.
- On the Secondary/Tertiary server, launch the Neverfail Heartbeat/Engine Configure Server Wizard and click on the Machine tab. Change the Current role to passive.
- Reboot the server.
- Neverfail Heartbeat/Engine will start as passive and the Application will be stopped.
- On the Primary server, launch the Neverfail Heartbeat/Engine Configure Server Wizard and click on the Machine tab. Change the Current role to Primary/active.
- Restart Neverfail Heartbeat/Engine on the Primary Server and allow system to synchronize.
- Using the Neverfail Advanced Management Client, check that the system starts and completes the Full System Check.
- Investigate the cause of the application upgrade failure on the Secondary/Tertiary server.
Note: In the event of the server connecting to a remote database (DB) you should create backups at key points of the patching process in the event of DB structure changes.
- Backup the remote DB before upgrading on Secondary
- Backup the remote DB again after upgrading on Secondary (when upgrade successful)
- Restore the remote DB to the pre-upgrade point BEFORE starting the upgrade on the Tertiary (before starting Step 5)
- Backup the remote DB before upgrading on Tertiary
- Backup the remote DB again after upgrading on Tertiary (when upgrade successful)
- Restore the remote DB to the pre-upgrade point BEFORE starting the upgrade on the Primary (before starting Step 8)
Applies To
Customer Application Neverfail Heartbeat/Engine
None KBID-3004