How to use the Neverfail Advanced Management Client

How to use the Neverfail Advanced Management Client


This Knowledgebase article provides information about using the Neverfail Advanced Management Client.

More Information

The Neverfail Advanced Management Client is used to control Neverfail software and provides access to the status of Neverfail Engine and the configuration of the software.


Running the Neverfail Advanced Management Client

The Neverfail Advanced Management Client is launched from Start > Programs > Neverfail Advanced Management Client , double-clicking on the Advanced Management Client desktop icon, or by right-clicking on the Neverfail Engine System Tray icon and choosing Launch Advanced Management Client    

The Neverfail Advanced Management Client presents information gathered from all servers in the group (Primary, Secondary, and if installed, Tertiary) including:

  • Server information from Neverfail Engine, such as logged events, connection status, file system and registry status, and channel throughput
  • System settings, which may be altered by an administrator

For normal administration purposes, it is recommended that you run a single Neverfail Advanced Management Client from a remote client PC, connecting to the principal (public) IP address or DNS name of the server pair.

Information displayed by the Neverfail Advanced Management Client

The Neverfail Advanced Management Client displays exactly the same information whether it is run on the active or passive server, or remotely from a client machine. It polls roughly every 10 seconds for server information.  The server also sends certain information to all currently connected Neverfail Advanced Management Clients in response to internal server events. The system settings are loaded from the server only when Neverfail Advanced Management Client is first opened.

Multiple Neverfail Advanced Management Clients

Neverfail does NOT recommend connecting more than one Neverfail Advanced Management Client to a server group at any one time, for the following reasons:

  1. Running with multiple Neverfail Advanced Management Clients connected to the Primary, Secondary, or Tertiary server will cause an increased load on the channel connection and the mechanism that dispatches events to these clients. In certain circumstances, for example when there is a large burst of exception events, the active server could be affected by a lack of memory (java out of memory exceptions) which could stop the protected application.
  2. In certain circumstances, it may be necessary to refresh Neverfail Advanced Management Client.

    For example, suppose you have one Neverfail Advanced Management Client open on the active server, and one open on the passive server. When changes are made to the Neverfail Heartbeat configuration using the Neverfail Advanced Management Client on the active server, you may have to shut down and restart the Neverfail Advanced Management Client on the passive server to view the changes in the Neverfail Advanced Management Client on the passive server.

    This is true wherever you have multiple instances of the Neverfail Advanced Management Client connected to the same server pair - configuration changes made in one Neverfail Advanced Management Client will not be reflected in any of the others until those Neverfail Advanced Management Clients are manually refreshed.

    System output from Neverfail Engine, such as logged events, connection status, file system and registry status, and channel throughput, is updated on all panels simultaneously.

Closing the Neverfail Advanced Management Client

It is recommended that the Neverfail Advanced Management Client be closed at all times when not in use.

Using Neverfail Advanced Management Client via Terminal Services

The Neverfail Advanced Management Client is designed to run on a remote client PC, and it is recommended that you install and run the Neverfail Advanced Management Client in this configuration. This will allow remote access to the server pair, regardless of which server is active, without using Windows Terminal Services or Remote Desktop.

If you do choose to run the Neverfail Advanced Management Client locally on a server via a Terminal Services remote session, the Neverfail Advanced Management Client must be closed before disconnecting the session. If you close the session without logging out, the applications started in that session, including Neverfail Advanced Management Client, will continue to run.

Applies To

Neverfail IT Continuity Engine v7.1 and later

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