Neverfail Continuity Engine

Neverfail Continuity Engine

Supported Product Versions

Continuity Engine 14

Release dates:

  1. v14.1 (Neverfail-CE-14-1-33279-x64) - July 22, 2024
  2. v14.0 (Neverfail-CE-14-0-33242-x64) - May 29, 2024 - superseded by v14.1

Available downloads:


  1. Continuity Engine 14 What's New
  2. Continuity Engine 14 Release Notes
  3. Continuity Engine Installation Guide
  4. Using the Continuity Engine Management Service
  5. Deploying Continuity Engine to AWS Cloud Environment
  6. Continuity Engine Administrator’s Guide


Continuity Engine 13

Release dates:

  1. v13.0 (Neverfail-CE-13-0-33150-x64) - February 27, 2024 - superseded by v13

Continuity Engine 13 is no longer available for download, being superseded by Continuity Engine 14.
Support for Continuity Engine 13 will be available until May 29, 2025.
For more information regarding Continuity Engine EOL Policy, please read End of Life Policy for Neverfail Continuity Engine.



Continuity Engine 12

Release dates:

  1. v12.1 (Neverfail-CE-12-1-33032-x64) - December 15, 2023 - superseded by v13
  2. v12.0 (Neverfail-CE-12-0-32983-x64) - November 16, 2023 - superseded by v12.1
Continuity Engine 12 is no longer available for download, being superseded by Continuity Engine 13.
Support for Continuity Engine 12 will be available until February 27, 2025.
For more information regarding Continuity Engine EOL Policy, please read End of Life Policy for Neverfail Continuity Engine.



Continuity Engine 11

Release dates:

  1. v11.0 (Neverfail-CE-11-0-32892-x64) - August 11, 2023 - superseded by v12

Continuity Engine 11 is no longer available for download, being superseded by Continuity Engine 12.
Support for Continuity Engine 11 will be available until November 16, 2024.
For more information regarding Continuity Engine EOL Policy, please read End of Life Policy for Neverfail Continuity Engine.



Continuity Engine 10

Release dates:

  1. v10.1 (Neverfail-CE-10-1-32829-x64) - June 19, 2023 - superseded by v11
  2. v10.0 (Neverfail-CE-10-0-32779-x64) - April 28, 2023 - superseded by v10.1

Continuity Engine 10 is no longer available for download, being superseded by Continuity Engine 11.
Support for Continuity Engine 10 will be available until August 11, 2024.
For more information regarding Continuity Engine EOL Policy, please read End of Life Policy for Neverfail Continuity Engine.



Continuity Engine 2021 (9.0)

Release dates:

  1. v9.0 Update 4 (Neverfail-CE-9-0-32590-x64) - October 13, 2022 - superseded by v10
  2. v9.0 Update 3 (Neverfail-CE-9-0-32381-x64) - March 8, 2022 - superseded by v9.0U4
  3. v9.0 Update 2 (Neverfail-CE-9-0-32241-x64) - September 9, 2021  - superseded by v9.0U3
  4. v9.0 Update 1 (Neverfail-CE-9-0-32026-x64) - March 12, 2021 - superseded by v9.0U2 
  5. v9.0 (Neverfail-CE-9-0-31881-x64) - December 23, 2020 - superseded by v9.0U1

Continuity Engine 9 is end-of-life. 
Support for Continuity Engine 9 ended April 30, 2024.
For more information regarding Continuity Engine EOL Policy, please read End of Life Policy for Neverfail Continuity Engine.


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