Plugins are not automatically installed during Continuity Engine deployment because of a failure to determine and persist Monitor CNC targets]

Plugins are not automatically installed during Continuity Engine deployment because of a failure to determine and persist Monitor CNC targets]


This knowledge base article provides details and workaround procedure for the following issue: Plugins are not automatically installed during Continuity Engine deployment because of a failure to determine and persist Monitor CNC targets.



Continuity Engine 8.x installation completes successfully on the Primary server, but, during its first start the automatic plugins installation step is not executed because of the following error:

WARN  5955[CoordinatorWorker](com.neverfail.controller.cluster.Coordinator) - Plan aborted because of 
com.neverfail.controller.ControlException: Unable to determine and persist Monitor CNC targets.
	at com.neverfail.monitor.Monitor.start(
	at com.neverfail.controller.cluster.plan.StartApplicationsAction.execute(
	at com.neverfail.controller.cluster.LocalController.execute(
	at com.neverfail.controller.cluster.PlanningEnvoyImpl.execute(
	at com.neverfail.controller.cluster.Coordinator.executePlan(
	at com.neverfail.controller.cluster.Coordinator.execute(
Caused by: com.neverfail.monitor.PingTargetException: Failed to set ping target addresses: Unable to resolve Network Monitoring target fd22:af82:d7e4:
	at com.neverfail.monitor.CNCPinger.enableTargets(
	at com.neverfail.monitor.CNCPinger.setTargets(
	at com.neverfail.monitor.Monitor.start(
	... 7 more
Caused by: fd22:af82:d7e4:: invalid IPv6 address
	at com.neverfail.monitor.CNCPinger.enableTargets(


Network Monitoring module fails to set ping target addresses when one of the potential targets is an IPv6 address. The raised error (described above) causes the Make Primary active plan execution to fail before the automatic installation of the plugins:

...[AlerterEventEvaluator](com.neverfail.alerter.Alerter) - cooked: Neverfail Continuity Engine Alert: Plan Execution Failed.

This happened at Mon Apr 02 08:07:03 CDT 2018 on the PRIMARY lv-ncbvac01 while Active. Further information if available: The plan for Making PRIMARY active failed. Replication is stopped. For more information regarding this message please see KB 1900.

Plan Title: Making PRIMARY active
Plan Progress: 33%

Success	Reveal the PRIMARY on the network
Fail	Start applications and start application monitoring on the PRIMARY
Not Run	Automatically installing or upgrading available plug-ins

Plan execution failed:Unable to determine and persist Monitor CNC targets.

This can happen when a DirectAccess tunnel being configured on the target server.



Procedure: Manual installation of the plugins using the Applications: Plug-ins tab of the Neverfail Advanced Client. This should be performed after the Continuity Engine cluster deployment is completed.

To manually install a Neverfail Continuity Engine Plug-in using the Neverfail Advanced Client, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch the Neverfail Advanced Client locally on the Primary server.    
  2. Navigate to Application -> Plugins.
  3. Click on the Install button.    
  4. Click the Browse button and navigate to C:\Program Files\Neverfail\R2\catalog/<plugin name>/<plugin version>/<plug-in name>.dll file.
  5. Click OK to complete the installation.    
  6. Repeat this process for each individual plug-in.


Applies to

Neverfail Continuity Engine 8.x

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