Procedure for Renaming an Engine Deployment Managed via Engine Management Service

Procedure for Renaming an Engine Deployment Managed via Engine Management Service


This procedure should be used when you intend to rename one of your protected Engine deployment managed via EMS.


  1. Engine Management Service managing Engine deployment candidate for renaming


Note: License key refresh (regeneration) is required when renaming an Engine protected server. 
  1. On EMS: remove the server candidate for renaming from the Protected Server list (before the actual server renaming).
  2. On Engine server: 
    1. change the machine name and do the restart.
    2. (needed only for Engine versions older than CE17): manually modify the registry key Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Prefs\nfwebsvcs\management\nfwebsvc\local_host_name with the new name, after restart.
  3. On EMS: add back the renamed server to managed servers list on EMS -> it should appear correctly with the new name in the list.

Applies To

Continuity Engine - all supported versions