Progress MOVEit 2024 Plug-ins Suite - Release Notes

Progress MOVEit 2024 Plug-ins Suite - Release Notes

About Progress MOVEit Plugins

Progress MOVEit consists of four plugins bundled together to support MOVEit Automation, Transfer and Mobile Servers as well as Analytics Agent instance installed on any of the MOVEit servers protected by Neverfail Engine. Each plugin addresses specific functions and services for the various components of Progress MOVEit protected by Neverfail Continuity Engine.

Progress MOVEit Plugins proactively monitor the MOVEit environment. Progress MOVEit Plugins provide protection for all associated MOVEit Automation, Transfer and Mobile Servers as well as Analytics Agent configuration data, services, and application data files.

What's new

  • Support for MOVEit Automation Server 2024.1 (plugin version 201.5.6)
  • Support for MOVEit Transfer Server 2024.1 (plugin version 201.5.7)
  • Support for MOVEit Database hosted on SQL Server 2022
    • NotesMicrosoft SQL Server database is protected by separate/dedicated SQL Server plugin solution.

Supported Versions and Platforms

  • MOVEit Automation Server 2024.1 / 2024.0 / 2023.1 / 2023.0 / 2022.1 / 2022.0 / 2021.1 / 2021.0 / 2020.1 / 2020.0 / 2019.2 / 2019.1 / 2018 / 2017
  • MOVEit Transfer Server 2024.1 / 2024.0 / 2023.1 / 2023.0 / 2022.1 / 2022.0 / 2021.1 / 2021.0 / 2020.1 / 2020.0 / 2019.2 / 2019.1 / 2018 / 2017
  • MOVEit Mobile Server 2019.2 / 2019.1 / 2018 / 2017
  • MOVEit Analytics Agent 2018 / 2017
  • MOVEit Central v8.0, 8.1
  • MOVEit DMZ v8.1
    • on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022 (where compatible)
    • using one of the following Databases either local or remote (where compatible)
      • SQL Server 2008R2, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, SQL Server 2019, SQL 2022 (where compatible)
      • MySQL Server 8.x, MySQL Server 5.x (versions embedded with MOVEit Servers)
*Limited support (via older Continuity Engine versions) - contact Neverfail Support

Progress MOVEit Plugins Suite

Progress MOVEit Plugins monitoring consists means:

  • Service Availability Monitoring
  • Application Monitoring

Service Availability Monitoring

Neverfail Engine monitors services specified by the plugins to ensure application availability. In the event that a specified service stops or fails, Neverfail Engine can take up to three pre-configured actions to remedy the issue.

Application Monitoring

Tasks - The following 'Tasks' are installed by Progress MOVEit Plugins:

  • Pre Start
  • Periodic
    • Protected Services Discovery
    • File Filter Discovery
    • Registry Filter Discovery
    • Application Data Discovery

To configure/modify Periodic 'Tasks', follow the steps below:

  1. Using the Neverfail Advanced Client, click on Application -> Tasks .
  2. Select the desired 'Task'.
  3. Click on the Edit button at the top of the 'Tasks' pane.
  4. Configure/modify the 'Interval' field.

Note: 'Interval' is the only field available for configuration/modification and is measured in seconds (secs).

  1. Click OK to save the changes.

Note: This dialog is also used to Enable/Disable the selected 'Task'.

Protected Application Services

When the plugin is installed, all protected services will be set to manual unless otherwise stated. 

MOVEit Automation Server Plugin

This is the list of all services protected by this plugin:

  •  MOVEit Central v8.0, v8.1:
    • MOVEit Central
  • MOVEit Automation 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023:
    • MOVEit Automation
    • MOVEit Automation Web Admin (from v201.5.5)

MOVEit Transfer Server Plugin

This is the list of all services protected by this plugin:

  • MOVEit DMZ v8.1:
    • MOVEit DMZ FTP
    • MOVEit DMZ Helper
    • MOVEit DMZ High Availability
    • MOVEit DMZ SSH
    • MOVEit SysStat
  • MOVEit Transfer 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023:
    • MOVEit Transfer FTP
    • MOVEit Transfer Helper
    • MOVEit Transfer High Availability
    • MOVEit Transfer SSH
    • MOVEit SysStat
    • MOVEit Transfer Status Server (2018.2 and 2019)
    • MOVEit Transfer Gateway Tunnel Service (2020.0)
    • MOVEit Transfer Key Management Service (2021.0)
    • MOVEit Transfer SFTP Server (new 2022.1)
    • MOVEit Transfer Certificate Management Service (new 2023.0)

MOVEit Mobile Server Plugin

This is the list of all services protected by this plugin:

  • MOVEit Mobile

MOVEit Analytics Agent Plugin

This is the list of all services protected by this plugin:

  1. MOVEit Analytics Agent

Protected Data

This is a description of the protected data set determined at plugin install time. Please note that exact filters will depend upon the configuration of the application plugins at the time of install.

MOVEit Automation/Transfer/Mobile/Analytics Agent

  • All registry data, security certificates, and configuration files.
  • All MOVEit database instances discovered at install time.

Install/Uninstall the Progress MOVEit Plugins Via the Neverfail Advanced Client

The Progress MOVEit Plugins can be installed either via the Neverfail CE deployment process or by using Application -> Plugins in the Neverfail Advanced Management Client using the procedure below. Neverfail recommends that for initial deployments of Progress MOVEit Plugins, installation should be performed using Engine Management Service.

To manually install the Progress MOVEit Plugins, follow the steps below:

  1. Unzip the Progress MOVEit Plugins to the desired location.
  2. Launch the Neverfail Management Advanced Client.
  3. Navigate to Application -> Plugins .
  4. Click on the Install button.
  5. Click the Browse button and navigate to the location of the <plugin name>.dll file.
  6. Click OK to complete the installation.
  7. Repeat this process for each individual plugin.

To remove/uninstall the Progress MOVEit Plugins, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch the Neverfail Advanced Management Client.
  2. Navigate to Application -> Plugins .
  3. Select the desired plugin to be removed/uninstalled.
  4. Click on the Uninstall button in the 'Plugins' pane.
  5. When the plugin is uninstalled, the files are not removed. This is by design for future functionality and therefore the following workaround is provided:
  6. Copy the contents of the r2\plugins\<sponsor>\<version>folder to a different location (e.g. C:\temp).
  7. Delete the contents of the r2\plugins\<sponsor>\<version>folder.
  8. To reinstall the plugin, when prompted for the location of the plugin files, navigate to the new folder location (e.g. C:\temp).

Note: As an alternative, reinstallation can be accomplished by using the downloaded files from the original download location after removing the plugin.

Applies To

Progress MOVEit Plugins