This Knowledgebase article provides information about the loss of registry configuration that may occur as a result of updating Neverfail IT Continuity Engine/Neverfail Heartbeat servers with the x86 version of Java 8 Update 60.
After updating Neverfail IT Continuity Engine/Neverfail Heartbeat servers with Java 8 Update 60, some users have reported loss of registry configuration on their system. Investigation of the issue has identified that the Java 8 Update 60 installer may inadvertently uninstall all HKLM\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft registry keys which are normally preserved during the upgrade process.
Important: If you have not yet upgraded to JAVA 8 Update 60, use the procedure listed below. If you have attempted to upgrade a single server and experienced a loss of registry configuration, perform the procedure below on the appropriate server to resolve the issue.
As a result, the loss of registry configuration on the Neverfail IT Continuity Engine/Neverfail Heartbeat system may require a complete redeployment of the server cluster(s).
To Prevent the Neverfail IT Continuity Engine/Neverfail Heartbeat Registry Configuration Loss:
To prevent registry configuration loss and safely update your x86 version of Java to jre-8u60-windows-i586
Note: These steps are NOT necessary for upgrading the jre-8u60-windows-x64, but ARE necessary for uninstalling it.
- Stop the Neverfail Server R2 and Neverfail Web Service services using the Service Control Manager.
- Using Regedit (the Registry Editor), export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Prefs to a file.
- Install (or uninstall as appropriate) your JRE.
- Import the exported registry file (just double-click from explorer).
- Start the Neverfail Server R2 and Neverfail Web Service services using the Service Control Manager on all servers in the cluster.
If Registry Configuration Loss Occurs on the Active Server:
To correct the loss of registry configuration on the active server when the passive server has not experienced the registry configuration loss:
- Shutdown Neverfail IT Continuity Engine on the active server.
- Shutdown Neverfail IT Continuity Engine on passive server
- Using Regedit, export the registry key HKLM\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\Neverfail from the passive server.
- Copy the <%name%>.reg file onto the active server.
- Delete the HKLM\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\Neverfail registry key on the active server.
- Import the <%name%>.reg file into the registry of the active server.
- Change the registry HKEY value on the active server to the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Prefs\neverfail\current\/Controller
- value /is/Active/Partition from false to true.
- value /Replication/Enabled from false to true.
- Start Neverfail IT Continuity Engine on passive server.
- Start Neverfail IT Continuity Engine on active server.
If Registry Configuration Loss Occurs on the Passive Server:
To correct the loss of registry configuration on the passive server when the active server has not experienced the registry configuration loss:
- Shutdown Neverfail IT Continuity Engine on the passive server.
- Shutdown Neverfail IT continuity Engine on active server.
- Using Regedit, export the registry key HKLM\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\Neverfail from the active server.
- Copy the <%name%>.reg file onto the passive server.
- Delete the HKLM\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\Neverfail registry key on the passive server.
- Import <%name%>.reg file into the registry of the passive server.
- Change the registry HKEY value on the passive server to the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Prefs\neverfail\current\/Controller
- value /is/Active/Partition from true to false.
- value /Replication/Enabled from true to false.
- Start Neverfail IT Continuity Engine on passive server.
- Start Neverfail IT Continuity Engine on active server.
Note: If a trio is deployed and the tertiary server is passive, repeat the procedure for when registry configuration loss occurs on the active server and treat the tertiary as the passive server.
Neverfail IT Continuity Engine v7.1 and earlier
Neverfail Heartbeat v6.7 and earlier