This Knowledgebase article provides information about how VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler compares to Neverfail's vSphere Integration Plug-in.
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VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler
VMware DRS (Distributed Resource Scheduler) is a utility that balances computing workloads with available resources in a virtualized environment. The VMware DRS utility is part of a virtualization suite called VMware Infrastructure 3.
With VMware DRS, users define the rules for allocating physical resources among virtual machines. The utility can be configured for manual or automatic control. Resource pools can be added easily, removed, or reorganized. If desired, resource pools can be segregated between different business units. If the workload on one or more virtual machines drastically changes, VMware DRS can redistribute the virtual machines among the physical servers. If the overall workload decreases, some of the physical servers can be temporarily powered-down and the workloads consolidated.
Other features of VMware DRS include:
Neverfail vSphere Integration Plug-in
When Neverfail Continuity Engine is deployed with the Neverfail vSphere Integration Plug-in installed in a virtual-to-virtual environment, Neverfail tasks that can be performed in the event of failure are expanded from the standard:
to include:
Note: This option requires vSphere HA Application monitoring for the cluster and Virtual Machine.
Applies To
Neverfail Continuity Engine
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