Why Should You Introduce Continuity Engine to ISVs?

Why Should You Introduce Continuity Engine to ISVs?


In this section, we will discuss another avenue of possible revenue attainment, that is finding OEM partners for Neverfail. OEM partners are typically ISVs who have software applications that require business continuity and disaster recovery. These relationships are managed by Neverfail corporate but resellers and distributors can also benefit from finding and nurturing these relationships and therefore can increase revenue for them.

More Information

As we have talked about in previous sections of this sales training module, OEM business is and continues to be a big part of Neverfail business. Many software vendors don't understand BC/DR and don't have the engineering cycles to build robust solutions. This effort can take them away from their core competence. Neverfail's AMF (Application Management Framework) provides a robust approach to integrating their software application with Continuity Engine. This reduces the overall cost of the go-to-market (GTM) to provide these services and increases the efficiency of the process by adapting a technology that is industry proven.

So how do resellers and distributors make money on Neverfail OEM relationships? You help Neverfail to find new software companies that need this type of technology to add to their overall offering. Neverfail will pay a small percentage of overall OEM sales as a finder fee to any reseller and distributor who finds an ISV and Neverfail signs an OEM reseller agreement with the ISV. These finders fees will be paid to the originating reseller over the course of the first 18 months of the OEM relationship, on a quarterly basis. Resellers and distributors can also be the conduit to sell the initial plugin development to the ISV.

What does this finders fee arrangement cover?

  1. New license revenue (5% on each license sold by the OEM or due to the OEM relationship)
  2. Plugin development  (Standard partner registered discounts apply)
This does not cover any professional services and training.

How does a partner qualify an ISV opportunity?

  1. Software application must run on Windows.
  2. Reseller must have access to at least ISV sales management but ideally the software product management team.
  3. Is the ISV interested in a POC of Neverfail?
  4. Would they want to build a plugin for integrating their software with Continuity Engine? See Plugin Overview for more information.
  5. What is the potential sales volume if they had a technology like Continuity Engine?
  6. How big is their current install base of their software?

What is the registration process for a ISV OEM opportunity?

  1. Contact Neverfail Sales AM and give them the name of the ISV, location and primary contact.
  2. Neverfail will schedule a meeting with the contacts and invite the reseller if necessary.

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