Continuity Engine - Software Subscription Licensing Model

Continuity Engine - Software Subscription Licensing Model

Software Subscription Licensing Model

Starting with version 9.0 of Neverfail Continuity Engine, Neverfail has introduced a new license model for new and existing customers. With the new licensing model, Neverfail has introduced a new licensing server (ELS - Engine Licensing Server) that will enable subscription based usage of Continuity Engine.

The Neverfail EMS web centralized console provides the mechanism to securely communicate with the ELS via SSL and transfer license signatures to the ELS to generate license keys. Then the ELS delivers a node locked key to the EMS and it automatically assigns that license to the protected application server. Then it periodically sends Neverfail telemetry information describing the current state of the license.
ELS has a fully automated process for regenerating license keys if a customer decides to continue to renew its software subscription yearly.
Offline activations of new subscription licenses will be handled via a support ticket. Neverfail Support can be contacted at

This new License Server is cloud based so for most use cases, the EMS web console must have ongoing communications with ELS. This provides Neverfail the following capabilities:

  1. ELS allows the EMS to request a license activation via a license activation key.

  2. ELS then pushes the generated license keys to the local EMS.

  3. EMS then pushes the license key to the protected application server.

  4. EMS sends base license telemetry information to ELS. This provides Neverfail with license related information that determines if the license key is valid or not. Invalid license keys can be proactively detected which can be addressed by Neverfail Support. Licenses can become invalid due to changes of server names and re-joining the server to the domain.

How does the new subscription software licensing work?

If you are a new customer of Neverfail, upon order fulfilment your company will be assigned a “License Authorization” and you will receive automatically the “License activation key“ and your “CustomerID” in an email message. This is how it will be implemented:

  1. Neverfail will issue a License Authorization number. This is not the license key, but the formal identifier of your purchased authorization.

  2. Neverfail will issue a License Activation Key. This is required in the License Key generation which will be applied to your protected application server.

  3. Your company is identified in the Neverfail system with a Customer ID number. 

  4. To generate a License Key for your protected server, you will use the Customer ID and the License Activation Key in the EMS menu: Actions -> License server> Online licensing.

  5. The ELS will generate the new license key via EMS request.

  6. The EMS will then apply the new license key to your protected application server.

Important Note:

Prior-To-Payment Awareness (introduced with v11)

Depending on the order payment status, the right to use a Subscription License may or may not be limited a follows:
(i) if the payment is pending when the subscription license is being activated, a limited 45 (forty-five) days license key counted from the subscription start date will be generated; as soon as the payment is completed, the full subscription period is unlocked; relicensing with a full term license key will be performed automatically for online licensing through the Neverfail EMS web console. For offline licensing (EMS web console doesn't have Internet access) you will need to contact Neverfail Support for a offline license.  
(ii) if the payment is already completed by the time the subscription license is being activated (consumed), the full term license key will be generated. Similar payment status usability rules apply also in the case of subscription license renewal.

For subscription-based customers (v9.0 and later)

  1. Neverfail has two new software subscription types: Term and Rental. Both are part of our new subscription model. Both require communication with the ELS. The only exception is a term subscription that is deployed in a HIGHLY secured environment. In this case, Neverfail Support will generate (on request) what is called an “Offline” activated license key from the authorization number of the corresponding Customer ID. However this is still a term license and is subject to subscription rules.

  2. VERY IMPORTANT: Neverfail subscription licenses will stop replication at its expiration date if the annual subscription is not renewed. To continue service, a new license key must be generated and installed once the annual renewal is paid.

For customers still using versions older than v9.0

Customers still running older versions than v9.0 must upgrade immediately to latest available Continuity Engine version. All the versions older than v9.0 are end-of-life and end-of-support, Consult End of Life Policy for Neverfail Continuity Engine for more details. 
Make sure you follow the instructions listed below before upgrading to latest version of Continuity Engine:
  1. Read Option 1 and 2 in “For New Customers”

  2. Before upgrading to the latest version of Continuity Engine, you will need to open a ticket with Neverfail support to generate a new customer ID and a license authorization for each protected application server.

  3. You will then receive at least one email from Neverfail with your new customer ID and license authorization number.

  4. Upon entering the upgrade wizard, you will be asked to confirm the conversion from perpetual to term licenses. Once you agree, you can proceed to upgrade. It will upgrade your protected application server to latest version of Continuity Engine automatically and on all nodes.

  5. The license server wizard requires the customer ID and activation key to generate the license key.

  6. VERY IMPORTANT: You will have 3 days to apply the new license (via apply license wizard) once the upgrade is completed as the old perpetual licenses will be deactivated.

License comparison

Functional License Requirements
Term (Yearly)
Rental (Monthly)
Has Expiration Date
Neverfail Not Obligated to Continue Term Agreement at Expiration
Licensee Must Stop Use of Product if No Continuation of Term Agreement
Licensee Must Remove Product if No Continuation of Term Agreement
Licensee will be Billed on a Yearly Basis for Continuation of Term Agreement
Licensee will be Billed on a Monthly Basis for Continuation of Term Agreement
Licensee is required to Maintain EMS Connection to Neverfail Licensing Server
Licensee can choose to terminate the Rental Agreement at Any Time
Licensee can choose to terminate the Term Agreement with No Penalty at the End of the Term
Licensee Software will Automatically Shutdown if Continuation of Term Agreement is Unpaid
Licensee will be be able to Access Support Services and Software Upgrades During Term
Licensee can use Documentation Solely for the Use of Licensed Software
Licensee can make copies of the Licensed Software for Backup and Archival Use
License can only be installed on one Application Server at a time.
Licensee can Transfer License to another Server (only once)
Only at the End Term Date

PLEASE NOTE: It is highly recommended to have the latest version of Continuity Engine. Please check the End of Life Policy for Neverfail Continuity Engine to be better informed on the supported versions.