How to Run a Powershell Script as a Continuity Engine User-defined Task

How to Run a Powershell Script as a Continuity Engine User-defined Task


This Knowledge base article provides general information about how to run a powershell script launched by a user-defined task defined in Neverfail Continuity Engine.


A powershell script may be run from within a Continuity Engine task by editing the command similar as being invoked from the command line, e.g.

CMD> C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe "C:\test.ps1"


Powershell execution policy should be set appropriate to allow script execution in your environment (in this example is set to RemoteSigned)

Check/set policy using:
  1. Get-ExecutionPolicy
  2. Set-ExecutionPolicy
Possible values:
  1. Restricted — No scripts are allowed. This is the default setting, so you will see it the first time you run the command.
  2. AllSigned — You can run scripts signed by a trusted developer. With this setting in place, before executing, a script will ask you to confirm that you want to run it.
  3. RemoteSigned — You can run your own scripts or scripts signed by a trusted developer.
  4. Unrestricted — You can run any script you want.


  1. Create a simple hello world powershell script - test.ps1
    1. Write-Host "Hello, World!"
  2. Create a Continuity Engine user defined task as described in How to Create a Task In Neverfail Continuity Engine
    1. Edit the following command - make sure you edit the correct path to powershell.exe as well as full path to the script
      1. C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe "C:\test.ps1"
  3. Test execution: Run Engine task (Manual or creating triggering conditions)
    1. Event Log should record script's execution

Applies to

Neverfail Continuity Engine - all versions
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